Welcome to my web portfolio. This is a showcase of my projects and skills


I'm a web developer. I use Java on a daily basis with the web framework Spring Boot to develop web applications. Secondly I know javascript and I have experience developing web applications with the frontend Web Framework React And The Backend FrameWork ASP. Net. Also I use docker in almost all my projects, its a technology that I really like to use. For the database, for most of my projects I use MySQL, but I have experience working with MongoDB and SQL Server. Also I have experience using C# for game development with the game engine Unity. I Always use in all my projects Bootstrap this is a must have in any of my projects.


Covid-19 Dashboard

A standard dashboard app about the covid-19. You can check the latest confirmed cases, death cases and recovered cases by countries. This app was made with Java and Spring Boot.

Breaking Bad API

A web application that is related to the breaking bad show. It was made consuming the Breaking Bad API. This app shows all the characters of the breaking bad shows, also all the quotes made by that character and more. This app was made with Java and Spring Boot.


A web application that is related to videogame and consoles in general. This application is use for selling videogames and consoles, also store client information and implements Spring security for manage the access of the differents users. This app was made with Java and Spring Boot.

Hold Your Horses

This is a web game made in the game engine Unity with the programming language C#. This game was made for a 48 hours game jam GMTK.
